Legal Resources
PNA attorneys provide extensive, free, media-related legal services to our members. The PNA Legal Hotline serves our members with unlimited counseling, on-demand, 365 days a year. Attorneys also provide unlimited training and educational sessions as well as amicus briefs and litigation referral services.

PNA Legal Hotline
PNA members receive free, unlimited counseling from the PNA Legal Hotline 365 days a year. The hotline handles thousands of calls annually about laws that impact journalists and the news media industry.
Legal Training
PNA attorneys provide free and unlimited education/training sessions along with a webinar library on legal issues.
Amicus Briefs and Litigation Referral Service
Members involved in litigation can request amicus participation from PNA and partnering media organizations at no cost.
A series of user-friendly handbooks provide a comprehensive overview of laws affecting news media organizations, open courts jurisprudence, the Pennsylvania Shield Law and the Qualified Reporter’s Privilege and more.
Public Records and Public Meetings
Learn more about Pennsylvania’s primary public access laws the Right-to-Know Law, governing public records, and the Sunshine Act, governing public meetings. These laws provide the foundation for transparent, accountable government, and a firm understanding can help journalists effectively report on state and local government.
RCFP Local Legal Initiative
Through the Local Legal Initiative, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) will employ an attorney in Pennsylvania to help local media defend against legal threats and lawsuits, assist with public records and court access efforts, and provide pre-publication review and other legal services.
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