Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Members:
The Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association (PNA) Foundation needs your help to judge the Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s contest.
Review the work of your Wisconsin colleagues and ultimately determine the highest level of journalistic excellence and get good story and design ideas in the process. Judges are needed for editorial, photo and design, and advertising categories.
Judging is expected to begin by late September and wrap up in October. The judging will be done online so you can do it at your convenience and in the comfort of your own home or office.
If you and/or anyone on your staff are available to assist with the judging of this contest during the time frame mentioned above, please complete the form below. A separate form should be completed for each judge. Review the WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest rules and categories. Feel free to include your category preference on the form. They will make every effort to assign accordingly; however, there is no guarantee you will receive that assignment.
As the judging process begins, you will receive an email with detailed instructions, your assignments, and you will be given access to their online contest system at that time.
Thank you for your help with this important project!
Questions? Please email Teresa Shaak or phone 717-703-3003.