Benefits of Joining PNA
Becoming a member of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association will benefit your organization in a multitude of ways. Our mission is to advance the business interests of Pennsylvania news media organizations and to promote a free and independent press. Whether you work in management, editorial, advertising, production or circulation, the PNA is here to help.
PNA provides members with a variety of services and tools, including:
Eligibility for Membership
Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association membership is available to print publications, digital publications, colleges and universities and affiliate organizations that meet certain requirements. Voting members include print publications and digital publications. Colleges and universities and affiliate organizations are nonvoting members.
Learn more about the qualifications of membership as outlined in our bylaws.
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Print and digital publications must be devoted to the dissemination of local or general news and other editorial content and must not serve primarily as a platform for promoting the interests and/or opinions of a special-interest group, individual or cause.
Print Publications
Print publications must be four or more pages and be issued at least every other month. They must have been published for more than six months, and must follow the ethics and standards of print journalism.
Digital Publications
Digital publications must be available to the general public online or digitally; content must be updated on a regular basis, not less than twice per week; and must follow the ethics and standards of print journalism.
Affinity Partnerships
Businesses have the opportunity to engage with decision-makers at the most trusted news media organizations, enhance your company’s visibility, participate in PNA training and events and play an active role in sustaining local journalism and media literacy in Pennsylvania.
Colleges & Universities
Colleges and universities must offer degree programs in journalism or communications, and follow the ethics and standards of professional print journalism. Publications must be prepared entirely by students, except for mechanical assistance, or assistance by faculty advisers.
To learn more about joining PNA, please contact Jane Hungarter, director of marketing & membership, at 717-703-3041 or