Gettysburg Times Empowering Minds

The impact of Newspaper in Education

In the heart of Adams County, the Gettysburg Times takes pride in its longstanding commitment to education through the thriving Newspaper in Education program. This initiative has become a cornerstone in fostering knowledge and engagement among students.

“Newspaper in Education programs are extremely important to our future as an industry and as a business. Newspapers in today’s business climate need to go out and recruit their future readers and advertisers and what better way to do that than putting our product into the hands of young readers,” said Harry Hartman, publisher of the Gettysburg Times and immediate past chairman of the PNA Board of Directors.

“My team fully embraces our NIE program and understands its importance, and there is no better feeling than seeing students reading the Gettysburg Times in their classrooms,” added Hartman.

A fixture for many years, the NIE program is a collaborative effort that distributes over 1,200 free printed newspapers daily to the six public school districts in Adams County. Additionally, 300 newspapers reach private and charter schools, ensuring a wide reach and impact within the community. The program also extends access to the e-edition during the school year at no cost, allowing schools and teachers to integrate digital resources seamlessly into their curricula.

The 2023 Design of the Year was created by Amelia Jones, a student at Bermudian Springs High School.

During the summer months, teachers participating in the NIE program can purchase affordable access to the e-edition, maintaining a continuity of learning beyond the academic year.

Crucial to the success of the NIE program are the local businesses and individuals who generously sponsor it through advertising. Their support not only sustains the initiative but also emphasizes the interdependence between the local newspaper and the community it serves.

One notable annual event is the Design-An-Ad sales promotion held each March. Supported by 70 local businesses, this initiative brings together students from 70 classrooms across the county. These budding designers create advertisements for the participating businesses, showcasing their creativity and practical skills.

The culminating moment is the selection of 30 winning designs, with cash prizes awarded to the talented students. The winning designs are proudly featured in a dedicated Design-An-Ad Tab, inserted into the Gettysburg Times, and distributed to the accomplished students, creating a lasting keepsake of their achievements.

The Newspaper in Education program at the Gettysburg Times not only champions the importance of traditional print media in education but also serves as a bridge between local businesses and the future workforce. As the pages turn, this initiative continues to sow the seeds of knowledge, empowerment, and community connection, embodying the spirit of education and collaboration.
