A series of user-friendly handbooks provides a comprehensive overview of laws affecting news media organizations, open courts jurisprudence, the Pennsylvania Shield Law and the Qualified Reporter’s Privilege and more.

Newspaper Handbook

The Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Newspaper Handbook is designed to serve as a legal reference tool for newspaper publishers, editors, reporters, and business personnel. It contains summaries of laws which affect the editorial, operational, and advertising functions of a newspaper.

Right of Access to Judicial Proceeding and Documents

This user-friendly handbook serves as a valuable resource for reporters who are denied access to courtrooms or judicial records, examining into some of the most common access issues encountered by journalists covering Pennsylvania’s civil and criminal courts and providing guidance on addressing these issues proactively and as they occur. 

Protection of a Reporter’s Sources and Materials

This user-friendly handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the Pennsylvania Shield Law and the Qualified Reporter’s Privilege. Detailed explanations of what the Shield Law and the Privilege protect, when they can be invoked and what exceptions apply are included as well as case law references.

Pennsylvania Sunshine Act: Questions & Answers

The PNA Legal Team has answered 14 of the most common questions regarding the Sunshine Act and compiled them in an easy-to-read manual.

Does Your Website Accommodate People with Disabilities?

This compact review offers guidance to publishers, general managers, web designers and IT leaders who are looking to determine if their websites are accommodating to the disabled.

Contact PNA Media Law Counsel Melissa Bevan Melewsky at 717-703-3048 or melissam@pa-news.org with any questions.