Hellbender Download


Federal judge strikes down Fish and Wildlife ruling that hellbenders are not endangered

In partnership with the Bay Journal, the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association is providing this article to our members to publish in print or online at no cost.

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to take another look at its 2019 decision denying endangered status protection for the eastern hellbender, the nation’s largest aquatic salamander that is found in low numbers in all Chesapeake Bay drainage states.

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The Bay Journal, founded in 1991, offers independent environmental reporting for the Chesapeake Bay region. Published 10 times a year (print) and mirrored by its website, bayjournal.com, the newspaper covers environmental issues ranging from nutrient pollution and agricultural best practices to endangered species and climate change impacts. The 64,000-mile Bay watershed reaches six states (including nearly half of Pennsylvania) and the District of Columbia.

This article and photos are offered to members of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association. PNA member publications may reprint this material free charge as long as they clearly identify it as a Bay Journal News Service article (i.e., with the byline and tagline provided). Rights for the attached photos are waived only if images will be used to accompany this story. Feel free to modify the provided captions as you see fit, as long as they remain accurate and include the photo credit as written. PNA member publications are also welcome to reprint, under the same terms, articles published on bayjournal.com. To do so, please contact Bay Journal News Service editor Tim Sayles at tsayles@bayjournal.com.
