Press Enterprise’s 30 Seconds

Making local opinions heard since 1992

In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Press Enterprise launched the experimental 30 Seconds call line, aiming to spark debates across a spectrum of topics and issues among local residents in Bloomsburg. It quickly became one of the newspaper’s most read features.

Introduced Jan. 7, 1992, under the editorial guidance of Jim Sachetti, then the Press Enterprise editor, 30 Seconds began as a dedicated phone line allowing readers to convey their thoughts within a concise 30-second voicemail. Online submissions were added in 2000.

The initiative extends commentary beyond the confines of written letter to the editor submissions, granting every citizen a platform for expression. If individuals want to see their thoughts in the newspaper, they tell Press Enterprise Editor Pete Kendron what they think via the call line. He makes sure submissions meet the requirements before they are transcribed from a voicemail to a printed format that runs in both the paper’s print and online versions.

The rules for submission have evolved. Unlike letters to the editor, callers and online submitters to 30 Seconds are not required to provide their names, just the towns in which they live. While there’s a free flow of opinion, there are some ground rules:

  • No attacks on businesses are allowed. Comments that offer no purpose other than personal attack are not published.
  • The actions of public officials are fair game for criticism, but comments are edited for libel.
  • Comments regarding local issues are given priority over the constant drumbeat of remarks on national political debates.

The Press Enterprise feature, which provides a unique town hall atmosphere, is not only a reader favorite but it also pays homage to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

Examples of 30 Seconds submissions include…

  • “I was just on my way home from work, from Hazleton, down to Nescopeck. I followed this really, really, really slow car doing 30 miles an hour the whole way…”
  • “Let’s look at the facts about these food trucks penetrating our local communities. Most have to pay a whopping $35-50 permit to set up. Most only accept cash…”
  • “If I was ever lucky enough to draw an elk tag I would never hire a guide. A guide takes the ‘hunt’ out of hunting and reduces you to being just a…”
  • “Civil discourse’ in America is having a hard time. The left accuses the right of putting out lies and misinformation; the right claims the same about…”
  • “Hey Catawissa Township supervisors, you patched a couple potholes on Old Reading Road. Great! Now maybe take care of the massive sections of the road…” 

To submit to the popular discussion page, 30 Seconds, call 570-387-1234, ext. 5967, or visit

Contact Pete Kendron, editor of the Press Enterprise, with questions or concerns.
