Support Local Journalism

Become a Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation Fellow

December is National Giving Month and the perfect time to become a Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation Fellow. A variety of contribution levels are available.

Your generous donations will support our new and exciting initiatives, including:

  • Diversity and equity in the newsroom
  • News media literacy in education
  • Financial sustainability through philanthropy and digital innovation
PNA Foundation Logo

Trib Total Media President & CEO Jennifer Bertetto, a PNAF Fellow, shared her thoughts about the importance of donations and their far-reaching impacts.

“In today’s rapidly changing media landscape, local journalism is more crucial than ever,” Bertetto said. “As a Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation Fellow, I am proud to be part of a network of dedicated professionals who are working to preserve the vital role of the independent press. By supporting local journalism, we’re investing in the future of our communities.”

David Martens, former York Dispatch publisher and PNAF Fellow, recalls how the Foundation supported news organizations in the past, including his own. “PNA Foundation training offers excellent opportunities for upgrading professional skills for staffers at all member organizations. That is an especially vital service during these days of a changing media landscape.”

Your donation to the PNAF Fellows program helps preserve journalism vital to every community across the commonwealth. To learn more, visit Become a Foundation Fellow – Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association

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