News Media OrganizationThe Times-Tribune/The Citizens' Voice
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Are you facing any challenges with newspaper delivery either through the USPS or with newspaper carriers?gpoll549c23be8
How do you recruit newspaper carriers? Check all that apply.
  • gpoll6ca7d1c61
  • gpoll6707815f8
  • gpoll6ff96c893
  • gpoll606536e37
  • gpoll6ed4b53c1
What other methods are you using to recruit newspaper carriers?

Yard signs
Email blasts
Referal/sign-on bonus

What type of compensation plan do you offer to newspaper carriers? Check all that apply.
  • gpoll84798d3ff
  • gpoll8ca7ea4b8
What other compensation do you offer to newspaper carriers?

Piece rate per subscriber plus route subsidy.

Are you facing other distribution-related obstacles?gpoll107f93e045
Please describe your distribution-related obstacles.

Difficulty hiring/retaining employee drivers for bundle delivery

Would you be interested in participating in a group forum to discuss improving newspaper distribution?gpoll1177cc21f3
Date CreatedJune 6, 2022