Brad Simpson Centennial Reflection

Brad Simpson, PNA leadership through unprecedented times

Former PNA president Brad Simpson spoke about his tenure during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Brad Simpson

A strong family core was needed to traverse the pandemic, and that strong core we had. I have never been prouder than the staff’s response to such trials and tribulations:

  • The legal and legislative team for working tirelessly with the Governor’s office and other elected officials to ensure journalists could continue to do their job out and about despite restrictions in place.
  • The PNA Foundation and the finance department for implementing a Covid-19 grant program where over $150,000 was provided to newspapers throughout Pennsylvania.
  • The member services team for quickly rolling out the Publisher Roundtables virtually, playing off the popular Zoom happy hours that spawned with the travel restrictions. These roundtables expanded to include Ad Directors, Circulation Directors, and even vendors.
  • The information & technology team for seamlessly transitioning every single employee, and even a few members, to a fully remote working environment.

PNA Marks 100 Years of Serving Pennsylvania News Media Organizations

The future holds immense potential. With thoughtful planning and innovation, including the development of new initiatives and philanthropic efforts, PNA is positioned to further support our members for the next 100 years. Learn more about our plans here.
